

35 - Straight

South Australia, Australia

Jan 7, 2013 03:56

Hey so I'm Miriyan and I like stuff. 0_0

... hmm >_>

Sooo, I study music at uni, and I enjoy it a lot. Art and music are life. I pretty much love doing anything creative. Whether it's drawing, painting, making jewellery, writing music I'll do it as long as get to flex my creative muscles!

I love the night because that's when I feel the most creative.

'He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead' – Albert Einstein this quote
I don't ever want to stop being awestruck by this world we live in. Life's pretty damn cool when you think about it. So much to do and see.

Love piercings! I have four in each ear and would love to get more.

Not sure what else to write so I'll leave it there



Age: 37 / straight

South Australia


Age: 27 / straight

South Australia