

36 - Straight

South Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Jan 12, 2013 20:09

So, what to tell you? Well, I'm your average 25 year old girl, with long brown hair and hazel eyes. I work in marketing and I have a passion for reading and writing - I am a real bookworm and try to read as much as possible to broaden my horizons; I find that it inspires me to write too, which is a bonus! I write as much as I can in my spare time, but I don't dedicate nearly as much time to this as I should.
I am a HUGE animal lover!! I have a house rabbit who means the world to me. Me and my bunny - we come as a package! I think it says a lot about a person if they don't like animals!
I love films, TV shows and music. Music-wise, I have a diverse taste as I listen to music from Westlife to Korn, Elephant Man to Blink 182 and everything in between. I'm pretty much the same with films and will try anything.
I'm a little more selective with TV, but my current faves are: Girls, The Walking Dead, The Vampire Diaries, Misfits, Game of Thrones and Made In Chelsea.
I also love tattoos - I only have two at the moment, but I plan to get a LOT more. I have a few piercings too, but not as interested in piercings anymore.
I love my food lots - I'm definitely not the type of girl who is going to just order a salad and only eat half of it! I'm pretty awesome at baking too!
I like to think I have a good sense of humour and I appreciate it if people around me have the same.
I enjoy in-depth conversations so people who have little more to say than 'Hi How RU den? Wuu2' bore me!! I love people who can punctuate well!
So yeah, if you have something fun and interesting to say, get in touch.



Age: 31 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom