

29 - Straight

West Lothian, United Kingdom

Mar 8, 2013 03:45

Hey, I'm Julia. I haven't had a relationship before so I decided to try this out . I'm from Scotland but I was brought up in England so I have an English accent.I'm currently living in Livingston, west lothian.

I'm a bit shy at first but once I get to know you I'm bubbly and chatty. My friends describe me as funny and kind. My hobbies/interests include spending time with friends, Skyping, writing, reading, cooking, listening to music and playing video games. i also love dying my hair! (which is naturally dark brown although at the moment it's blue). I'm quite down-to-earth and would rather be at home in my pj's watching a movie or playing video games with friends than be out at nightclubs getting drunk every weekend haha.

Although I haven't been in a relationship before, guys tend to treat me badly and it's dented my confidence a lot, so I'm looking for someone who will treat me right. I don't mind distance too much but it would be ideal if they lived in Scotland.

I'm currently at Stevenson College in Edinburgh



Age: 26 / bi

West Lothian
United Kingdom


Age: 22 / straight

West Lothian
United Kingdom


Age: 26 / straight

West Lothian
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / bi

West Lothian
United Kingdom