

33 - Straight

Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Oct 7, 2012 18:21

Im a fun person, like to go out to all sorts of places from a night out round town or to a wildlife park, i love doing anything. Im a bit crazy sometimes but in a good way. I have tattoos and piercings and LOVE them with a passion.Im always changing the way i look so i dont really have a fashion, i like to take abit of everything but i tend to sway more towards the goth side of fashion .... spose its easier to say that to people rather then attempt to decribe me haha

I have a mixed taste in music .... got to try stuff before you can say you dont like it. I pretty much have that attitude with everything in life.Im not too into games but throw me on mortal combat and i will kick our buttox!! I like going to the cinema,theatre,gigs,zoo and all stuff like that

Im really into photography at the moment. I love taking pictures of animals and people. Iv done modelling before but at the moment im having a break from it all.
I love nothing more then sharing the alternative lifestyle with people and enjoying everything to the max.

Im looking for someone special and somene able to handle me ..... get in touch .



Age: 38 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom

Ferocious Kitten

Age: 51 / bi

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom