

37 - Straight

West Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Oct 9, 2012 14:33

There are good ways of starting conversations and BAD WAYS to start conversation, I imagine you already know which is which. I like good conversation, the best things in life come to those who put some EFFORT in and trying to get s*x on a plate isn't exactly what I'd call effort. If thats what you want I'm sure there are plenty of slightly less interesting women on here who will oblige. That being said....

Hi I am a DJ, sound engineer, Classical violist, Improv Violinist so I pretty much live and breath music. I like lots of different types of music too but at the moment but if I had to pick a favourite its all about dub and jungle. I've been mixing vinyl for 8 years and playing the violin for nearly 20 years. In the last few years I have helped to build a heavyweight soundsystem in bradford which can be seen/heard in various places.

I am unique. I dont mean that in a bigheaded way, everyone is unique but I have dreads I can sit on, a lot of piercings (more than 20) and I loove tattoo's. Not just any tattoo though, like any artwork its better if it means something. My masterpiece is a half tribal half bamboo tree the goes up my side and onto my shoulder.

Being outside is good although I had a major accident in december 2011 which means I cant cycle or climb like I used to but I still like to walk and I am a dog lover too. Being inside is also good though, especially watching films and eating good food.

I have not signed up on here with any intention whatsoever really, it would be nice to meet some people who have similar interests, or even people with completely different interests. How do you know what you like if you dont even know about it. If I can find someone who has the same passion for life and adventure that I do then that would definitely be an added bonus

I like...
To laugh
To talk
Drinking tea
Good art
Climbing (Particularly urban exploration)
Epic Weather
Being soaking wet and coming home to get warm and dry
Quiet meaningful music
tattoos, lots of them
Solving problems
Having s*x outside
Cycling up a big hill, and then down the other side

I dont like...
People who are more pissed than I am
Having to wear lots of clothes
the word 'babe'
Excess of hair products and makeup
I realise I could make this list a lot shorter just by saying 'most people'
anyone with 'lead singer syndrome'
liquourice, artichokes and coriander
baths when they aren;t boiling anymore

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Age: 56 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

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West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom