

30 - Straight

East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Sep 14, 2021 19:55

Just wanted to join this for the free chocolate bar haha lol joke I am quiet shy person at first and quite reserved but once I get to know you I blow up....

Im looking for someone who can make me laugh and shares same sense of humor as me, I don't take life to seriously but still a time to be serious, looking someone who is down to earth and little weird like me, and wants to settle down long term, hopefully have things in common.

I enjoy making artwork and cake decorating, listening to county music, enjoy horror films/ghosts and paranormal, Jurassic parks, pirates of the Caribbean.

Would love go on adventure holidays surfing, sailing, skinny dipping... not really into politics much or clubbing much rather drink in a pub.

You should message me if
You are willing to die in 5 Hours.... where is the buy it now option? Joking xx



Age: 91 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / gay

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 46 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 50 / bi

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

YoUr NiGhTmArE

Age: 29 / bi

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Perfect Angel

Age: 20 / bi

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

East Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom