

57 - Straight

Gauteng, South Africa

May 6, 2012 19:02

bohemian iconoclast
I am really friendly and easy to talk to, although I’m easily serious. This might be apparent from the rest of my attempt at self-description but my sense of fun makes up for a lot.
I am intelligent, I read & I am interested in everything. I am not superhuman. I am honest, grounded and compassionate. I know when I am unhappy, anxious or depressed. I try to understand others and myself. I try to avoid absolute opinions & moral judgments and manage most of the time. I do not like petty disagreements. I will easily admit to being wrong or unreasonable. I do not stay angry long. I am an atheist and if religion is too important to you, it might cause tension. I love conversation and log fires. The seventh letter of the alphabet finds me. Enough for a start....
You should be able to read and write, and do so, at least occasionally. Ditto our ability to converse. Your friendliness and compassion will be highly appreciated. Interest in larger realities and its workings will help our communication. Ability to be content most of the time. Scrap booking is probably a disqualification, unless mathematics or er***ca is an intended theme. You should not be afraid of any idea. In short: I like women with character and an open-minded world-view (intellectual rather than intelligent). An ability and willingness to communicate openly, sense of humor, and emotional loyalty is probably most important.
--- 6 May 2012
Just-friendship is an option.
A first date: Anything that allows conversation.
And if it can turn into talking into the night, it might be headed for greatness...
--- 31 March 2012
I want to get to know you exactly as you are, and not according to some perspective prescribed by society.
--- 18 October 2011
I'm serious about finding a soul mate, friend, partner and liberal lover.
I want to fall in love.
I am who and what I say I am.
You should be able to communicate openly and frankly on any subject, regardless of differences in our opinions, or not - I want us to learn from each other.
--- 15 December 2011
It appears the following might save people some time and effort:
I am an atheist.
I am not a capitalist.
I do not subscribe to traditional or prescriptive gender roles but partnership as suits the specific participants.
I suffer from chronic fatigue and therefore need to manage my health and energy. I do, however, live a full life. I am happy.



Age: 21 / straight

South Africa


Age: 37 / straight

South Africa