

33 - Straight

Fife, United Kingdom

Aug 4, 2013 12:42

this is basically my second dating site lol the other one iv had no luck so hopefully this will work lol hmmm what to tell about me well i can honestly say im not the kind of girl a girl should be like im not into girl things at all to be honest i hardly wear girls clothes im into all the baggy clothes cos for one thing i think im way too skinny and not like bein skinny very much but guys may like that so if i guy wants to see me skinny he shall lol umm what else one thing i love to do in life is always smile i hardly ever cry took me a while to realise what crying was cos i had never done it before but now that i know what it is i dont like it even to see my child (yes 2yr old daughter shes a catch likes she will have you in stitches mostly if you dont know that sayin it means fits of laughter lol) even when she crys it only lasts 5 mins cos i know how to make anyone laugh easily never failed before i also have a little boy scot hes only a baby atm he will be 1 in june and thats enough kiddies for me atm lol anyways more about me before i had children i loved my skateboarding and i shall continue with it when my kiddies get a bit older lol courtney likes comin to watch her mummy fall on her butt which is mostly all the time lol but i get back up easily ummm interest are basically time with friends haning out being with my kids listening to music browsing the web meetin new people my fave band is black black veil brides seen them live twice now and i never get bored of them anyway my hands are hurting now so anything else you want to know just send me a messsage and i promise to get back to you as soon as possible byes just now and thanks for taking the time to check me out xxxxxxxxxxxx