

34 - Bi

Antrim, United Kingdom

Feb 23, 2012 16:43

6ft tall, dyed red head.

I'm caring, passionate and romantic. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm hyper and love to talk about anything.

My friends describe me as mad, insane, crazy, odd, weird lol. I love my friends and my family, they mean everything to me and I stand up for them and comfort them whenever they need.

I like most music, dance, any kind of rock, hard, soft, indie, metal. I also like pop and lyrical music, I love how the lyrics and melody of a song can change how you feel. I usually dance around my bedroom and (try to) sing lol My favorite songs change all the time but I love Muse, Evanescence, Rammstein. I try to play guitar but I'm still learning,

I like watching movies, horror, gore, physiological thrillers, comedy's, anime, mostly Studio Ghibli. I LOVE Totoro!

I love going for walks, going places such as the zoo, or museums, places of interest where I can learn.

I like going out with my friends and having fun, maybe not always drinking sessions as I prefer to have a good walk in the park and a picnic than drink. Although I do love a good rock night

I have been to France, Southern Ireland, England and am saving up to hopefully go to Australia for a year or two to work, although the destination might change as I'd love to travel.

I like to draw and sketch and will be studying art soon.



Age: 42 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 18 / bi

United Kingdom

Unholy Mary

Age: 21 / bi

United Kingdom

Shopieahugh:emotional damage

Age: 19 / bi

United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

United Kingdom