

36 - Straight

Cleveland, United Kingdom

Mar 11, 2012 20:21

About Me
What can i say.. describing yourself is quite tough..
ill try keep it simple.
i like: hairdressing, horror movies, japan, anime, tattoos, reading, drawing, captain jack sparrow, laughing, slippers, sunday mornings , funny stories, wit, imagination, my friends: i choose them wisely.
i dislike: spiders, moths, people who struggle to be themselves, boring people, bad manners, brats, sandles, liars, beans! most old people, the term 'scene kid'.. why lable yourself like a neverbe when you could just be yourself.

please dont message me something generic as my short attension span will affect your reply some people on here are desperado's.. i may be single and on this site but that is because im assuming the vast amount of people on the internet may produce some amusing conversation and some like minded people. though the latter may be difficult.
Even though i draw them, i have an irrational fear of zombies. hows this for your zombie survival plan: TOP SELF.
i get on with most people but no crack and no manners will get you nowhere. just dont mess with me and mine.
i try to be honest, doesnt mean i give opiniions that arent wanted.. but dont ask if you dont like the truth. wanna know more just ask.
so just dont ask me to suck your big toe right away and im sure well be fine ^_^



Age: 48 / straight

United Kingdom

Miss S

Age: 42 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 49 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

United Kingdom