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Eddie Munson
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Overview • History • Gallery
Eddie Munson

Biographical information
March 27, 1986
Eddie "The Freak" Munson [1]
Long-Haired Freak [1]
Eddie the Banished[2]
Hawkins, Indiana (1965 - 1986):
Forest Hills Trailer Park (? - 1986)
2121 Holland Rd (1986)
Relationship status
Unnamed father
Wayne Munson (uncle)
Other relations
Gareth (friend/fellow club member)
Jeff (friend/fellow club member)
Mike Wheeler (friend/fellow club member)
Dustin Henderson (friend/fellow club member)
Lucas Sinclair (friend/fellow club member)
Chrissy Cunningham † (friend/crush [3])
Erica Sinclair (friend)
Nancy Wheeler (friend)
Steve Harrington (friend)
Robin Buckley (friend)
Jason Carver † (rival/enemy)
Hellfire Club
Corroded Coffin
Student at Hawkins Middle School (1977-1980)
Leader of Corroded Coffin (1970s-1986)
Student at Hawkins High School (1980-1986)
Leader of the Hellfire Club (1980s-1986)
Physical information
5'10" (180 cm)
Eye color
Hair color
Dark brown
Portrayed by
Joseph Quinn
Appears in episodes
26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

“ The Shire is burning. So Mordor it is. ”
–Eddie Munson, March 26, 1986

Edward "Eddie" Munson, portrayed by Joseph Quinn[4], was a main character in Stranger Things, being introduced in the fourth season. He was the leader of Hellfire Club, the official D&D club of Hawkins High School, an electric guitar player in his band Corroded Coffin, and the friend and role model of Dustin Henderson.

1 History
2 Personality
3 Relationships
3.1 Familial
3.2 Non-Familial
4 Appearances
5 Memorable Quotes
6 Behind the scenes
7 Gallery
8 Trivia
9 References
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Main Article: Eddie Munson/History


By Capital Concerts

Eddie was a full-on nonconformist metalhead. He was hated by those who didn't understand him, but loved by those who did.[5] Eddie enjoyed playing Dungeons & Dragons with his friends and had considerable knowledge on the game. He was the head of Hellfire Club. Because of his devotion to Dungeons & Dragons, Eddie refused to cancel any campaigns and would require the members of his club to seek out new substitutes to play if a member of the club was unable to attend on any particular evening.

Eddie struggled in school, likely due to his eccentric personality rather than low intelligence, and was implied to have bad grades in his classes. In spite of this, Eddie was still determined to graduate by 1986. He had knowledge of drug use, for which he was sought out, but could be friendly enough to offer a discount.

Eddie was also noted to harbor a dislike towards popular groups, such as the Hawkins High basketball team and its captain, Jason Carver. Despite this, Eddie was very kind towards Chrissy Cunningham, a popular cheerleader and Jason's girlfriend, implying he was fundamentally a good-hearted person and was likely responding to the demonization of his favorite game. Additionally, he was quick to frustration and irritation, but for the most part, could get along with those outside his immediate group of friends.

He was shown to have a passion for music ever since he had begun playing the guitar, recognizing and making rock and metal references that others didn’t understand, such as to Steve Harrington. His references are often used to figure out the situations around him. Eddie expressed his passions through his style and room.

Eddie had a tendency to avoid direct conflict as he was extremely horrified when Chrissy and Patrick McKinney were killed by Vecna, causing him to run away from the crime scenes and become a suspect in their murders. However, when those closest to him were in danger, Eddie was willing to come to their rescue. In an effort to buy the Creel House gang more time in attacking Vecna, Eddie sacrificed himself to draw the Demobats away, and made Dustin promise to look after any more outcasts at Hawkins High School before dying in Dustin's arms.

Wayne Munson

Despite his unruliness, Wayne did not believe Eddie was capable of any of the killings he was being blamed for, and believed that his nephew was a good kid. He knew people thought of Eddie as a freak, but he cared deeply for his nephew and stated that was not in Eddie's nature to commit murder. While Eddie was above the age of 18, it is presumed that Wayne had been Eddie's legal guardian. Eddie commented that his uncle worked long hours at "the plant" in order to provide for their meager household, but he never specified the nature of this job.

Chrissy Cunningham

Eddie first met Chrissy in middle school during one of his band performances. Over time, Chrissy forgot about him as she became more popular, but Eddie still remembered her as they started attending Hawkins High School. On March 21, Eddie met Chrissy in the woods and offered to sell her some drugs. However, as Chrissy was experiencing shock from her recent frightening visions, Eddie became apprehensive and was about to leave before Chrissy asked him if he had ever felt as if he was “losing his mind.” Eddie jokingly replied, “on a daily basis.” He then remarked that he hadn’t expected Chrissy, the "queen of Hawkins High", to do a drug deal with him. He and Chrissy talked about how they had hung out before and laughed together like good friends. In the end, he gave her a discount on the drugs he was selling to her and when she asked if he had anything stronger than that to ease her mind, Eddie was quick to say he did.

After finishing a Dungeons & Dragons campaign with his friends, Eddie took Chrissy to his home to give her the drug she asked for. However, after Eddie found the drug, he became concerned for Chrissy when he saw her standing in a catatonic state. Eddie then watched in horror as Chrissy levitated in the air and was brutally murdered in his living room. After Chrissy's death, Eddie was traumatized and felt guilty for not having been able to save her. Days later, he played his Upside Down guitar solo in honor of Chrissy.

Jason Carver

Both Jason and Eddie had what seemed to be a long rivalry. The two strongly disliked each other due to their differing social cliques and Jason's cult-like mindset.

Their hatred of each other was first evident in the lunchroom, when Eddie called out multiple social groups and began to compare them before flipping Jason off. Later, Jason referred to Eddie multiple times as a freak and Satanist, due to his involvement in Hellfire Club. Jason then became even more obsessed with Eddie once he discovered Chrissy was murdered in Eddie's trailer. Jason gathered his basketball team in order to hunt Eddie down, and they eventually did, discovering him at Lover's Lake. Eddie and Jason engaged in a borderline fight, where Jason followed Eddie out onto the water with his teammate, Patrick McKinney. The two didn't exchange words but the situation was ripe with a silent tension. Once Jason witnessed Patrick die, he still believed that it was Eddie's doing, and blamed D&D for his connection to Satan, genuinely believing that Eddie had supernatural powers. Eddie managed to escape Jason in the moment, but the latter was still hellbent on finding him, and instructed the entire town to hunt down Eddie and the other members of Hellfire Club.

Dustin Henderson

The two had no clue of each other's existence when Dustin was in middle school, but as soon as Dustin joined Hawkins High, Eddie found him in his search for new members of Hellfire club. Dustin had been sitting with Mike at a lunch table when Eddie first spotted him and plucked him from the crowd, alongside Mike, essentially adopting them for his duration of his senior year. Eddie quickly took to Dustin, and somewhat replaced Steve in his role as Dustin's "babysitter," due to the fact he took a somewhat parental role for Dustin, protecting him in Hawkins High. In the days following Chrissy's death, Dustin and Eddie grew even closer, connecting as two quirky people who didn't fit in, and when it finally came time for Eddie to die, it was Dustin who held him in his last moments.

Mike Wheeler

Like Dustin, Mike was taken in by Eddie at the start of his freshman year in Hawkins High. The two didn't have as close a bond as Dustin had with Eddie, but Eddie did mention that he saw Mike and Dustin as the future game-masters of Hellfire Club.

Erica Sinclair

Eddie and Erica had a rocky start, especially at the end of semester campaign when Eddie mentioned Erica's infamy amongst the group, most likely due to Lucas whining about her behind her back. But after the first night she plays with them, Eddie warmed up to her and was surprised by her skill for D&D, and especially her luck with her D20 rolls. In the events following the D&D campaign, Erica fell out of touch with Eddie, but joined him and the others in their mission once she was brought up-to-date on their situation.

Steve Harrington

Eddie also had a standoffish vibe with Steve, primarily due to the tension of them both being protective parental figures to Dustin. The two had moments when they clashed, such as when Steve grew impatient with Eddie gathering his things, or even when Eddie threw his jean jacket at Steve so he and Nancy would stop flirting.

After some time, the two opened up to each other, exploring the conflicting feelings of anger for each-other. Both were threatened by the other, due to the fact that Dustin spoke highly of both of them to the other, which made the other worry if they were being replaced. Eddie even complimented Steve, saying he was like "Ozzy Osbourne," due to his killing of a Demobat. Eddie also pointed out how much Nancy and Robin cared for Steve, and advised Steve to pursue Nancy if there was any hope left.

Lucas Sinclair

While Eddie was initially annoyed by Lucas prioritizing his basketball commitments over those to the Hellfire Club, Lucas considered Eddie a friend and vouched for his and Hellfire’s character when they were labeled Satanists. When he learned that Jason Carver planned to lead a vigilante posse against Eddie, Lucas - knowing of Eddie’s innocence - regrouped with Dustin, Max, Steve, Nancy, and Robin to aide a fugitive Eddie.

Season Four appearances
The Hellfire Club Vecna's Curse The Monster and the Superhero
Dear Billy The Nina Project The Dive
The Massacre at Hawkins Lab Papa The Piggyback
Memorable Quotes

"Her body, just like, lifted up into the air. And uh... and she just like, hung there, in the air. And then her bones- uh,... her bones started to snap. Her eyes, man, it was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling. I didn't know what to do so I... I ran away."
"So uh, this place is like Hawkins with monsters and nasty s**t?"
"Yeah, so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me."
"The Shire is burning. So Mordor it is."
Eddie to The Hellfire Club:

“Studies link violent behavior to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even... murder!"
"We're the freaks because... we like to play a fantasy game? But as long as you're into band, or science, or parties, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets! It's forced conformity. That's what's killiiiiing the kiiiiids! That's the real monster."
"I am army crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O'Donall's. If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month. I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma, and I'm gonna run like hell outta here!"
"This year's different. This year is my year. I can feel it. ‘86 baby!"
"You are scared. You're tired. You are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?"
"There is no shame in running. Don't try to be heroes. Not today.”

Eddie to Chrissy:

"I feel like I'm losing my mind right now. Doing a drug deal with Chrissy Cunningham. The queen of Hawkins High."
"Chrissy? Chrissyyy? Hello? Chrissy! K, Chrissy, wake up! Hey... hello... Chrissy, hellooo. Hey, Chrissy. Time to wake up, okay?! Hello, can you hear me?! Wake uuup Chrissy! Chrissy, WAKE UUUUP! I DON'T LIKE THIS, CHRISSY, WAKE UUUUP!"
Eddie to Dustin:

"Bad news first. Always."
"You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead."
"I didn't run away this time, right?"
"I love you, man."
Eddie to Robin:

"Hunt the freak, right?"
"Those stains are, uh... I don’t know what those stains are."
Eddie to Steve:

"For your modesty, dude."
"Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kind of annoying to be honest. And I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks. But uh... I guess I got a little jealous, Steve. I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steeeeve Harrington was actually... a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him, not a douche? No way man. No way. That like, flies in the face of all the laws of the universe, and my own personal Munson doctrine. Still super jealous as hell, by the way. Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh, normal circumstances."
"Outside of D&D I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run."
"Wheeler, right there? She didn't waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in. Now, I don't know what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would get her back. Because that, was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen."
"It's his tone, right?"
"Well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hot-wire. Now, I swore to myself I wouldn't wind up like he did but now I'm wanted for murder, and soon, grand theft auto. So, uh, I'm really living up to that Munson name."
Eddie to Nancy:

"You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns--plural--in your bedroom?"
Eddie to Dustin and Mike:

"You're saying Sinclair's been taken in by the Dark Side? ... And rather than find a sub for him, you want... you want to postpone the Cult of Vecna?"
"You know what that means? It means you boys are the future of Hellfire."
Behind the scenes
His character was first revealed on November 20, 2020 via the show's official social media accounts along with several other new characters.[4] In December of 2020, Joseph Quinn was spotted filming in a forest in Atlanta alongside Maya Hawke (Robin Buckley) and Joe Keery (Steve Harrington).[6]

View Gallery.png For this subject's gallery, see Eddie Munson/Gallery.

Joseph Quinn has confirmed in interviews that Eddie had a crush on fellow student Chrissy Cunningham, a feeling which Chrissy also reciprocated; which is why she felt comfortable to walk with him at night to his trailer on the night of her death. [7]
While Eddie’s age is never stated in Season Four, the revelations he is repeating senior year for the third time while also having attended Middle School with Chrissy place him as being 19 turning 20 during the 1986 school year. This also plays into his determination to finally graduate that year, as he would not be allowed to attend high school into his twenties were he to fail again - and would be forced to take a GED exam if he wanted to obtain his diploma. However, the missing poster that his uncle posts in The Piggyback list his age as 17 - this is most likely a production error. Joseph Quinn speculated in an interview that Eddie was in the 20-21 age range, with 20 being more likely given the context clues within the canon. [8]
In spite of their past animosity, Mason Dye stated his belief at convention that Jason Carver may have been convinced of Eddie’s innocence had he not also been present for the death of Patrick McKinney. As it stands, Dye feels that Patrick’s death was the moment Jason convinced himself Eddie possessed abilities courtesy of the occult - and that even though Jason may know the theory isn’t rational, it is the only way for him to make sense of what he witnessed. [9]
The dynamic between Jason and Eddie is possibly inspired by the 1990 film Edward Scissorhands, one of the breakout films of Stranger Things star Winona Ryder. In the film, Anthony Michael Hall’s character of “Jim” is the girlfriend of Ryder’s character “Kim”, and perceives the titular character as a “freak” - similar to Jason’s perception of Eddie. Like Jason does with Eddie, Jim comes to believe Edward intentionally hurt Kim and leads an angry mob against him - resulting in his own death during the final confrontation.
Eddie was supposed to have graduated from Hawkins High School in 1984.[1]
Eddie wears a leather jacket under a denim vest that dons Megadeth, Motörhead, and Iron Maiden patches, as well as a patch of the Leviathan Cross. The vest also features W.A.S.P, Accept, Mercyful Fate and Judas Priest pins, and a large Dio backpatch. The Dio patch was made from genuine vintage Dio tee-shirts donated by the estate of Ronnie James Dio.[10]
It is unknown what happened to Eddie's parents as he lives wit



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