

41 - Straight

Kentucky, United States

Apr 10, 2022 22:52

Okay… So just to share with you, I just spent over two hours adding a lot of details about myself and it just wiped it all out. WTF?! So, I guess I’ll have to re-add the details over time. With that said let me get right into it.
I’m a sensitive, creative guy who is more in touch with his emotions than most people. I have a morbid sense of humor and I can be randomly silly at anytime. You have been warned. I’m deeply passionate and I hold no secrets. I enter into a relationship with a open heart with all of my love ready to be offered to the dark queen who is willing to embrace me the same as I’m willing to embrace them.
I fight for the woman I love and I go above and beyond for her. I’m thoughtful and considerate. I think as far ahead as possible about my actions and how it might affect the my dark queen’s feelings because I don’t ever want to hurt her in anyway. When my the woman I love however, hurts me because she didn’t think how it might effect me. It’s hurts so bad that it effects me physically, just like if she were to take a knife and stab me in my chest. This of course can cause some frustration for my dark queen trying to make it right between her and I but trust me, I’m worth the time and effort because I am willing to do the same thing for her and then some everyday without her even asking.
If my family doesn’t approve of my dark queen, I will tell them to go f**k themselves because I can’t go through life without the woman I love. If you can’t do the same for me then you don’t truly love me. True love has no limits and no bounds. It goes beyond time and space, it’s pure unconditional and no one can prevent it from happening.

Once I am in a relationship I am completely committed through mind, body, heart and soul. No other woman exists to me after that. That’s what I’m here for. To find someone and only that someone I can share my life with and build a life together.
I am attracted to the dark and arcane. I like the night because I feel the most alive and creative. I like the idea that there are cursed or haunted videos or video games out there and I look forward to seeing if any of them are real. I’m the same way with the dark web checking out mystery boxes. I like exploring haunted locations and trying to gain any evidence there is if there is anything to collect.
Yes, I do own an original William Fuld Quija Board and other horror board games. I enjoy horror video games, especially retro games and consoles. I especially like the ones that have creepy secret areas or if by breaking a game, I find a unexpected secret area that creeps me out.
I’m into horror conventions and I like cosplay festivals. I also enjoy horror RPG’s such as Survival Horror. My hobbies include gaming and creating horror my own horror merch.
I definitely dance to the tune of my own drum. I rather forge my own path than walk a path that has already been forged. I suppose that’s the reason why I currently have a creative block due to wanting to do something original than do something that has already been done. For example I rather wear a horror T-Shirt that has my own original horror art on it than wear a shirt with someone else’s horror art on it.

I listen to a variety of rock music. My list mostly consists of 80’s hard rock but I also listen to Rob Zombie, Breaking Benjamin, Godsmack, Avenged Sevenfold, Five Finger Death Punch, Disturbed, Drowning Pool, Motörhead, Killswitch & Engage and the list continues to keep growing. I like a lot of the horror movies from the 80s but when it comes to different horror movie series, I prefer the original over the sequels. There are some modern horror films I enjoy though, like Sinister and Creepy-pasta based horror as well as Lovecraft horror films. I am the same way when it comes to horror TV shows.
I really like retro TV shows like The Hunger, The Eternal, Forever Knight, Dark Shadows, Kolchack The Night Stalker and Tales From the Crypt. But there are some modern shows I like such as Shudder’s Creepshow series. I can’t express how frightfully amazing that show is!!! I also like horror comics that have to do with the supernatural. There seems to be only one horror comic series that I really like, which is GHOSTS because that’s the only comic book series that has true tales of the supernatural from around the world.
Though I will wear all black I also wear other dark colors. I don’t wear the eyeliner, or paint my nails or wear makeup or even die my hair black, but if you look at the Vampire Lestat, his hair wasn’t black either. When it comes to religion, I claim New Age, but honestly I believe that we evolved from several alien races that colonized the earth.
Now before I conclude this section I want to be as upfront with you as possible. 1/3 of my life has been extremely rough. I have been mentally and emotionally abused by family, friends and I was in a very toxic relationship which caused me to have a mental break down. I have two mental break downs in my life and the second was so bad that it ended up putting me on SSI and Section 8.

With the second mental break down I ended up developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that adds on to other disorders I already had. These include Bipolar Disorder, Learning Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, Anxiety Disorder and Depression Disorder. I am on medication to help me manage so I can manage but for any who suffers similar symptoms, you know that some days are tougher than others. However, even though 1/3 of my life has been crap, this does not define the rest of my life.
I don’t drink and I don’t do drugs. The only problem I think I do have would have to be junk food and soft drinks. My weight constantly fluctuates due to having really bad bouts of depression. For anyone who reads this that can relate then you know what I mean. When you’re alone you don’t have the support of that special someone to cheer you on.
With having my dark queen in my life I can better manage things like this because as the old saying goes, “Behind every great man is a great woman. It’s the woman who makes the man great. I’m now building what will be the rest of what will be a good life and I want to share that good life with the one and only true love. If you read this far then you need to send me a message because I am looking forward to getting to know you. I’ll talk to you soon.



Age: 24 / straight

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Age: 32 / straight

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