

39 - Bi

Isle of Man, United Kingdom

Mar 7, 2021 08:19

Piercings, stretched ears, sort of a mix of alternative and fashionable. Think goth x fashion x emo x whatever else I feel like wearing. I don't particularly subscribe to a genre, I just wear whatever takes my fancy.

I am a Graphic and Digital Designer and more than a little addicted to online 3D worlds. Specifically Second Life.

Music taste ranges from early 70s-80s goth to modern metal, folk metal, folk, EDM and whatever else I like the sound of.

Obsessed with anime. I love anime, anime is life. Favourite all time anime’s would have to include Sailor Moon, Death Note, Naruto, Attack On Titan, Castlevania, Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D, Blood, One Punch Man and SAO.

I like to game, currently obsessing over the Nintendo Switch and Zelda.

I like to read. Favourite authors include LaVey, Lumley, Kerr, Crowley, Lovecraft, Rice and Pyke to name but a few.

I vape..thats a thing..

I also do not drink...that’s another thing..(though I may be tempted at a festival)

I don’t do drugs. Used to but no longer interested in that life.