

24 - Straight

West Virginia, United States

May 18, 2021 21:48

Hey how's you?
You can call me Nova or Quay .
I'm a lost soul who's just a little to sweet for my own good . I'm not looking for anything specific but if you want to talk feel free to message me I promise I don't bite unless I'm asked to 😊.

I'm a bit shy I'm usually around one person all the time so my social skills aren't the best I get really flustered but I open up pretty easy after I know someone.

• Nature lover 🌲🌳🍁

• I love trying new things so don't worry f your into something different I'll probably do it with you if you ask

•I love animals some would say Im a little puppy but I feel more like a wolf 🐺

•I like supernatural and paranormal things so if anybody wants to go ghost hunting call me 🌜

•I love zombies like a lot so I'll probably ask your opinion on everything related at some point💚

•I feel like a princess but I also feel like a hero so you'll probably see both sides but don't worry I'm not prissy or anything I'll probably just sing my music to a squirrel 🐿️

•I write music and poetry I sing but ehhhhh
I'm a big good ball but I make up for it by being an asshole when I'm hungry 😅

•Dragons are life 🐉

•I found out I'm a descendant of the scandinavian vikings so now I think I'm a badass

• I woke up one day and found I was pretty good with blades...I love blades



Age: 25 / straight

West Virginia
United States


Age: 21 / bi

West Virginia
United States


Age: 37 / straight

West Virginia
United States


Age: 36 / straight

West Virginia
United States


Age: 25 / bi

West Virginia
United States

🐾 kitty 🐾

Age: 25 / bi

West Virginia
United States


Age: 74 / straight

West Virginia
United States


Age: 44 / straight

West Virginia
United States


Age: 21 / straight

West Virginia
United States


Age: 30 / bi

West Virginia
United States


Age: 32 / straight

West Virginia
United States


Age: 46 / bi

West Virginia
United States