

51 - Straight

North holland, Netherlands

Oct 10, 2020 02:33

Strange to talk about myself, makes me feel like i am advertising myself.
Just a loser with high moral values an idealist.
Very openminded and widely developed you wil find it easy to talk with me about any subject.
Volunteer in neighbourhood center where I also take care of the animals on a childs farm and I work in an organic cocoa plant.

Main influence in music ; Stones , Beatles , the cure, smiths, sex pistols, crass, GBH , toy dolls , exploited etc.

i am found of nature with a big connection to animals, love to take walks in the fresh air amasing myself with the simpel beauty all around.
i used to play in many bands and mainly play drums and bass guitar.
alternative but not extremist or not anymore, in my younger days i was busy in the punk movement and in the workers Union.
love to watch classic movies or listen to music, lately have the hobby to remaster old records to new sound quality.
try to eat as less meat as possible but not a vegan fanatic.
i do not drink alcohol though i really have no problem if others do.
like to read or discover things about history which interest me.
one of my big interest is japan, it's culture and history.
in general very different then other man but still a normal human ,,,, well

love to make fun and enjoy life, take things as they come.
feel free to ask me anything you like, there are no strange questions just bull....t answers.



Age: 31 / straight

North holland


Age: 27 / straight

North Holland


Age: 27 / straight

North Holland


Age: 25 / straight

North holland