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38 - Straight

Co. Londonderry, United Kingdom

Sep 1, 2011 04:37

I like games, reading (mainly sci-fi) and music (metal, industrial, electronic and all inbetween + anything else i like randomly).
im tall and skinny, i never put on weight but try to eat healthy.
love talking to people and having intimate and/or deep one to one conversation.
enjoy walking and going to interesting locations that make me think, like wonderfull vistas or interesting musiums or exibits.
im a quiet thinker but i also talk lots to someone i care about.
im shy and have trouble talking to strangers most of the time.
i studyed science most of my life and did marine studies at uni.
i dont work at the moment unfortunatly.
also a little dyslexic hence the spelling mistakes.
oh yeah and i have 4 pet rats. so cute and i love cats to but have none.

I am looking for a relationship or close friends.
unfortunatly looks are important to me for who i date, i like girls who are slim, prefrebly short and awesome coloured hair. (but contact me anyway even if you think i wont be interested coz its hard to judge who i might or moght not find attractive.)
i like girls who dress alternitivly or origonaly but that isnt such a big deal.
the first bit of clothing i often notice are shoes.
i like girls who are geeks/nerds and should be a little interested in science and stuff like that so i can share stuff i find interesting.
im interested in a girl who doesnt like to go out clubing or dringking to much but now and again is fun, i do like to dance when i like the music.
instead i like to go out walking or sight seeing or playing games together.
i like girls who are loyal and affectionate but also can get on with things whithout me and can decide stuff on there own.
honesty and openness are the two most important things to me in a relationship.
i want a friend first and a lover a close second.
physical compatibility is also important to me but that comes later.


Von Allen

Age: 19 / straight

Co. Londonderry
United Kingdom


Age: 57 / straight

Co. Londonderry
United Kingdom

Josh McGeoghan

Age: 22 / bi

Co. Londonderry
United Kingdom