

38 - Straight

Washington D.C, United States

Feb 5, 2020 18:06

My name is Reggie Clayton I am from Washington DC I work at Walmart and I hate it badly. But I am Lolita goth always have bee ever since I was little I have always liked horror movies I am very mysterious and antisocial most of the time I sit in rooms always by myself most of the time because it is comfort for me and I can not stand it when normal regular people just stare at you or say bad thing about you because you are different and you do not dress the way they do. I can't wear my goth makeup to work but I can wear my goth attire because the Walmart managers don't really care how you dress and most managers like my style. I like raven from teen titans because she relates to me in many ways but she is a cool goth superhero I look up to.



Age: 36 / straight

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 42 / bi

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 41 / bi

Washington D.C
United States

Her0 Zer0

Age: 37 / straight

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 35 / straight

Washington D.C
United States

Another Rock 'n' Roll Suicide

Age: 55 / straight

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 20 / straight

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 32 / straight

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 35 / straight

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 38 / straight

Washington D.C
United States

Mad Matty

Age: 30 / straight

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 36 / straight

Washington D.C
United States