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41 - Straight

Western Australia, Australia

Feb 5, 2020 09:36

I've always loved the kind of woman who's fine with getting her way. Who know's what she wants, or likes finding out, and then is happy to go and get it. Even (carefully) at the cost of others. She can be confident and aggressive, though doesn't always need to be. She's still giving and kind, but when there is an opportunity to be selfish she is happy to do so. These women are often younger and are very often alternative, and in the rock, punk, goth or urban scenes. That is the single s*xiest person in the world to me. I feel swept along by them, and feel compelled to give them what they want.

However; I never seem to attract them. I just don't seem to come up on their radar, and have heard the phrase "I didn't think you were into that" and "I never thought of you that way" a couple of times.

I admit I'm not the typically guy you'd expect would be attracted to that kind of woman. I'm a confident, outgoing, funny, passionately nerdy, professional guy. I'm respected in my field, educated and driven. I have a strong sense of self, tend to lead and err towards taking control.

This has resulted in my being of more interest to more submissive women.. And I don't regret that at all, to a person they've all been fantastic.. But I do hate feeling like I'm stuck in some predestined loop.

I like who I am and have no desire to change -- and the woman I'm looking for wouldn't want me to -- so I think the best solution is just to put my interests more up-front.



Age: 37 / straight

Western Australia


Age: 28 / straight

Western Australia


Age: 23 / straight

Western Australia


Age: 45 / gay

Western australia


Age: 37 / straight

Western australia


Age: 31 / straight

Western Australia