

32 - Straight

North Dakota, United States

Mar 22, 2019 06:33

Hi I am a 26 your old man. Average height and weight. I am who I am. I’m awesome, and I type that with humility because I know I’m awesome, but I also don’t think of myself better than anybody trying there best day by day. Trying to do what they can to make the world just a little bit better. I appreciate those people. The people who try and haven’t given up or succumbed to the attitude that nothing can be done about something wrong what ever it may be. I feel that most who read this think that this is a short typing and rambling weirdness and has no purpose or are confused at this. It might be. Well it is what ever any person makes it. Perception is a funny thing and reality has more that one meaning. If you made it to this part and are still reading whether you are trying to find that special someone or just started reading and are curious about what this seemingly screw loose somewhere in my brain. Honestly there are a couple loose and If you are a little crazy to. And, you make the best out of life with confidence and happen to be an open minded woman about the world. I want to get to know you. Realizing that this is a kind of intense type or could be perceived as one I honestly say that I’m an intense person at times like every human on the planet has moments good or bad. They happen. The balance of good and bad in the world is precious and bad days do happen and should be learned from and hopefully the knowledge helps out what ever it is. A diamond in the rough is what I’m looking for and I have faith that she is out there. I’m patient. I can wait for whatever the universe has planned for me. Good moments are cherished better and the bad moments are looked to and appreciated as Life’s learning curves and also as days that tell you and me that bad days, As much as they are really not a wanted thing, that’s why they are called bad days I guess. As I mentioned earlier those bad moments are important. Live and Learn, love all living things the best that a person can and appreciate them, and, and make the best out of life. If you happen to feel the same way as I do about the world, then I would like to get to know you. Whatever happens, happens, you know whether or not things happen with any of you open minded women who feel the same. Good friendly conversation is always nice. I realize that this type up about me has probably repeated itself a couple times and that was done on purpose to show that I am serious, and I guess typing that sounds explanation was uneeded because if you get was I mean then heck ya,but if you don’t you don’t but I feel the need to type everything that I’m thinking to show authenticity ya know being real so that I may meet a real woman who agrees with the way I see things. I have faith in the universe.



Age: 34 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 39 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 42 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 37 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 35 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 41 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 33 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 30 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States

Pure Sage

Age: 40 / straight

North Dakota
United States