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43 - Straight

Co. Durham, United Kingdom

Jan 24, 2019 20:07

I'm Clare. I'm tattooed. I'm a gamer. I play World of Warcraft mainly. I know, I know, I'm nearly 40 and I play a massive online mmorpg. it's sad, I know, I'm just a sad, numpty that plays daft games online with other sad numpty's who I call me mates ^_^

I have an obsession with unicorns. Like an actual obsession. I have them in every room of the house pretty much. My two teenage sons have unicorn slippers too cos that's how awesome a mum I am. I just love the rainbow s**tting horny headed horses.

I have a very eclectic taste in music. Like very diverse but Tears for Fears = One of my most loved favouritist bands in the whole wide world.

I love vintage! Anything from the 1920s up to the 1950s. I go to different vintage events in and around the country all dressed up, mainly in 1940s gear but I have been swaying more towards the 30s these days. I just love the fashion from those eras. My mates don't call me Dita McTeesside for nowt ya know!

Netflix and chill is just that in my house. Chill and watch Netflix. however Netflix is life here. I binge watch series like you wouldn't believe. I've pretty much seen everything that's took my fancy on there and I've resorted to Amazon prime for other series that spark my interests.

I don't smoke and I rarely drink. I eat though and I love my scran. Don't get a potato figure like mine without some eating graft like.

I have a wicked sense of humour, it's quite dark and sarcastic at times but it's harmless. So if I cause any offence I'm sorry, I don't mean to.

I actually love beards and tattoos. So if you are covered in tattoos with a beard. I'll be like putty in your hands. *edit* Maybe not but you get the jist.

I'm not looking for a quick fumble under the sheets. I am wanting something a little more meaningful than that, but I am wanting to take things slow. I've always been rather hasty with my previous relationships and ended up not working out too well. So I would like to take things at a steady pace rather than jumping in with both feet.

Anyways I've prattled on long enough (did you read all the way down? if so and you are still interested say the word *spoon* in the message and I'll be like 'YEAH SON YOU DID IT, here's a cookie') you never know. I might even give you a real cookie one day ^_^

*edit* I like memes. Lots of memes. I don't actually laugh out loud because my sense of humour is quite warped but if it makes me smile you are onto a winner ^_^


Dark Angel

Age: 38 / bi

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / bi

Co. Durham
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

Co. Durham
United Kingdom