

41 - Straight

Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom

Oct 19, 2020 08:41

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind πŸ’˜

I lost my mum in Tesco. Sick of wandering down the aisles, I just shouted "Mammmaaaa!" to which my mum in a different aisle shouted back, "just killed a man!" We continued to sing the Bohemian Rhapsody until we found each other. My mum was cool like that 🀘

For me everyone is equal, so don't sit on your hands and wait for me to make the first move just because you were conditioned to believe that going after what you want makes you seem crazy or desperate. Go after what you want in every part of your life, including your relationships! You are in charge of your future. Make it what you want it to be!!!!

Not a big fan of social media right now, because from what I've seen, the more people stage their ideal life on social media, the more that serves to hide a not-so-ideal reality!

Also really hate it when people in YouTube videos talk to the camera like you're their friend. "What's up guys", "hey guys" - oh just do the thing

So what can I tell you about me...well I'd describe myself as a creative person, I love photography and writing, they're my passions. I have my own lifestyle and enjoy exploring new cities - love an adventure.

Personality wise I'd describe myself as definitely someone who's confident in their own skin and knows what they want in life.

Looking to break up the 9-5. Dates are fun, very much like meeting new people, having a good old natter....



Age: 24 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / bi

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 28 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 55 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 27 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom

< DantΓ© >

Age: 28 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom


Age: 47 / straight

Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom