

35 - Straight

quebec, Canada

Jun 17, 2019 01:01

Well, hello there! 😊
So, this is the part where we’re supposed to “sell” ourselves… Oh well, here goes nothing.

Name’s shade (obviously not my legal name, but it’s how even my mum calls me). I’m 30, usually self-employed electronics and server technician. Probably obvious by now, but I’m a BIG-TIME geek and I love everything electronics and technology.
Tattoos: All fingers, left sleeve and hand, back and right-side of neck. No, I’m not done and no, I won’t stop. ;-P
Piercings: left ear, lip
Unfortunately, no, I don’t have a car.
Basics done, let’s move on to something deeper, shall we? 😊

Big-time Geek, Gamer and Word-lover.
As mentioned before, I surround myself with technology. I am also a big-time gamer – I can sometimes spend up to 10 hours video-gaming with the mates and / or by myself. In addition, I usually haver paper-RPG sessions with my dudes on the weekends.
When I’m not working and / or gaming, I absolutely love writing – I have been developing my own paper-RPG, universe and relating stories for over 10 years. It’s one of my greatest achievements, and I intend on keeping it going. 😊
Besides gaming and writing, I also greatly enjoy movies and TV series. While I can try anything, my favorite are dark, gory, gritty, well-written stories in the fantasy and / or horror and / or sci-fi genres.
I would more-than-love to share my gaming, writing, series and movies with my S.O.
If you’re not into any of this, it’s all good, but I fear we’re not compatible – you’ll get bored with me quickly.

Active mind, healthy physique.
While I (obviously) use my head much-more than my body, I do try to maintain myself as best possible – I usually eat vegetarian (in other words, if family / friends want to invite me out or cook for me, I won’t question what’s offered) and try my best to workout 4-times a week.
To put it in somewhat-direct terms – Yes, I carry extra-pounds, but I got good arms, pecs and my obliques sorta-show.
To answer the famous meme – YES! I do lift lol 😊
Although, I am not an outside person, so I either workout from home or go to a gym, when means allow.
So, once again, if you’re a great-outsides-escapades person, I wish you awesome times, but I fear we’re not compatible – you’ll be REALLY bored with me.
… Ok, I feel I should specify – I’m opened to traveling, but maybe-not the great-outdoors.

My reality checks…
So, I did my best to keep it all positive so far. Unfortunately, I have my DOs and DONTs and my flaws. So, here goes.

- I suffer from ADD and clinical depression. It’s a family trait. While I am treated for both, always keep in mind that 1. I am not functional before I take my meds. 2. There are days where I feel really bad and times when I need my space.
I hate nobody, and I don’t want to be mean, just got to deal with what life gave me.
- Jealousy, intolerance and all that crap are a big no-no. First, I am a very loyal and faithful person. Cheating is not something I even understand. It’s a completely alien concept for me. If we’re together, you got my full trust and I expect the same in return. Second, I’ve goth no judgements or prejudices – gay, queer, trans – I got all sorts of people in my entourage. I that’s not something you can deal with, I respect it, but we won’t work. As a plus, I’ll simply add – I don’t do shouting contests. If there’s a problem, let’s talk about it in a calm and civilized manner. If shouting begins, I’ll just walk away. And if it’s me, stop me. It’s not-acceptable. period.
- I am not a provider and I am not looking to start a family. If you have dreams of one-day having children, I wish you the best, but it won’t be with me. I’ve known since very-young that parenthood was not for me, so I got clipped at 18. Also, I am not looking to be a provider – I want a life partner. An equal. To put it in honest perspective – someone with whom to split the bills and rent so we have plenty to have fun together.

Well, I do believe I have covered the good and the bad with honesty.
Interested? Hit me up and let’s try it out 😊


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