

48 - Straight

Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Aug 27, 2018 14:25

Good day, My name is Daryn,

I have more sides than a dodecahedron

I'm not great at selling myself, but I'll have a go. The things I hope to find in others are qualities that I hope I have myself, like... compassion, understanding, sensitivity, being comfortable in my own skin, not always taking myself or life too seriously, the ability to have fun, energy, drive, passion and kindness. I'm a realist but also a romantic at heart and I'm hoping for my happy ending one day, which probably won't be quite the way I will ever have imagined it, but then, where is the fun in that!. I like to be out with people, but because I'm an only child I need alone time as well, but I am very happy in my own skin and with my life in general.

I tend to like the darker things in life and can find mainstream culture rather depressing at times, I like life to be a bit more mixed up and random. I like interesting people and conversations...but interesting doesn't always have to mean sensible

I value creativity and individuality, and although I can be quite serious, introspective and thoughtful at times, I still embrace my inner child and general silliness. I want to meet somebody similar; somebody I can have an in-depth conversation with...followed by a pillow fight.

I am a warm, open person and an active listener. Hugs make the world go round. I love my friends and I draw strength from my all my relationships. As much as I like going out and dancing I also like to curl up on the sofa with my partner close to me watching TV. These days I have come to appreciate the benefit of experience and yet feel I'm still finding my way round everything. I know myself very well and yet am learning more and more all the time. I Guess I'm paradoxical by nature. I'm shy and confident. Light hearted and serious. Precise and muddled.

I love old buildings, cemeteries and landscapes, Watching wildlife, in particular the Red Kites as they are such beautiful birds of prey and are such a joy to watch on a summers day, reading, going to museums, exploring random little areas of cities and people watching. Warm weather is x10 better than cold weather. I'm much happier in Summer when the days are longer, as there are many
things to enjoy on those long hot summer evenings.
Like everyone I have good points and bad points and there are too many for me to write down here. So get in touch and find out for yourself!

I am independent, eccentric, and addictive



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Age: 48 / straight

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