

29 - Bi

Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Oct 28, 2020 00:26

Hi to everyone visiting my profile
First of i want to highlight i am now in a relationship with a wonderful man of whom i adore...
However both he and i are still looking to make friends so feel free to messge me anyway. I only ask you respect that i am in a relationship now an i am not a cheat. I will not tollerate yoy if you disrespect me, my man or my relationship
Anyway now thats done, Im a student studying fashion at college and will soon progress to the degree i am openminded and have a great sence of humour or so i like to think, very friendly and approachable but also wont tollerate bulls**t
I love to have a friendly discussions and hear opposing opinions different from my own
I love music of all kinds my favourite band (most people of which have bever herd of) is Reckless Love... This band are my world and i can asure you i will not shut up about them.
But i also like def leppard, killswitch engage, five finger death punch, blutengle, lord of the lost, there's just to many... Ask me instead lol.
i also love cooking, movies (mainly horror some if my favourites include childs play, the crow, children of the corn and 30 days of night... but i do love the carry on series to... Oh and Disney of course ) and fashion.
I am a massive animal lover and love art of most kinds (im not a fan of graphics... By that i mean i dont like creating it but i admire the final peices). I dont realy watch tv but i do love supernatural and red dwarf but im a sucker for old school scooby doo... Yes even at my age i love scooby doo and what of it??
Anyone who knows me knows im inept when it comes to tech... Stick me back in the 1800s il be happy ...ahh If only...
I have an unhealty obbsession with serial killers...
I don't particularly care what you think, ive gone through life without your opinion so what makes you think id need it now
I am not the type to give out personal details within the first 5 minutes, earn my trust then wel see what happens
Il be honest and say ive already been hurt here so please be gentle i put on a tough front but in actually very sensitive... If ive taken time with you then you mean something to me and i expect that to be respected... I don't take things lightly even friendships so please be careful of my feelings... If you find over time your not interested let me down gently i wont have an issue with you for changing your mind but ive already experienced what i would call cruelty on here so please bear this in mind
I am actually pansexual but that wasnt an option in setting up my account
Anyways if ive left any thing out please feel free to message me
I look forward to hearing from you xxx



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