

37 - Bi

Melbourne, Australia

Mar 9, 2011 14:21

Im 23. My friends are my world. My hero is my daughter. I am constantly challenging myself to be a better friend, mother and person.Im good at what i do. I like where i live. I like girls and boys. I am not greedy with my money. I will help anyone that needs help. I am not selfish, I share everything i have. I am catholic, but i am not judgmental or religous. I believe you live what you learn. I believe you reap what you sew. I start my day at 9am and go to bed when i am tired. I dont smoke weed, i dont take speed, i dont do cocaine, i dont take pills, i dont smoke ice!! I dont pretend to be something im not. I am healthy. I am not sick. I am not ashamed of who i am. I am proud. I am stubborn. I have been hurt. I will bury my pain. I am strong. I rely on me. I trust only myself. I will have more children. I am single. I believe promises should be kept or they should never have been promised. I believe everyone is worthy of a second chance. I can keep a secret. I do talk to strangers. I believe noone is perfect. I believe beauty is who you are not what you look like. I like music that means something. I love horror movies. I dont like to do nothing. I will give my heart to someone again, just as soon as its healed. I do believe in love at first sight. I believe bad things happen to bad people. I would give my life to save my little girl. I love my family. I love living. I wont change myself just to fit you and your lifestyle. I will never believe you love me because actions speak louder then words.I will never appologise for being me.I wont dye my hair blonde just because you say im hotter that way.I wont make an effort when no effort is made in return.I wont be looked down upon by you just because you think your perfect. your not.I wont be treated like i dont matter.I will speak when i want to say something not when you think i should.I wont be lied too.I wont be calm when im angry.I will cry when im sad.I will never be scared to be alone.I will never change who i am just to be someones girlfriend.This is me in real life, take me for everything i am or leave with nothing....!



Age: 84 / straight



Age: 41 / bi



Age: 18 / straight



Age: 29 / straight



Age: 21 / bi
