

40 - Straight

Berkshire, United Kingdom

Oct 15, 2017 09:41

Rich in laughter & life, out to meet other positive, creative types that enjoy various interesting bits. I'm big on learning and skill exchange - the world is a curious and intriguing place. My favourite quote and a key guiding principle in my life (getting past the non-gender neutrality) is Bob Marley's "The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he aquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively". Whether or not I live up to this is for others to decide, but frankly I do a f**kING AWESOME JOB.

OKC reckons I'm more sloppy than average and less love driven.. While I usually admire the algorithms, I would argue that societies priorities and the paradigm of these concepts is pretty distorted. We learn from mistakes, so I'd rather get out there and experience life than stand back and worry how I can make things perfect (analysis paralysis). And Love? I'm all for emotional involvement if it feels right - I'm more about appreciation and compersion than possession. I lean toward s*x positivity where communication and respecting boundaries are integral. By nature I prefer practising forms of ethical non-monogamy and admire relationship anarchy. While the rest of my profile predominately sets out what I DO like and what I'm about, it's worth stating that I'm NOT interested in the relationship escalator.

Ultimately life is a bit of an oddity and as much as people seem to project otherwise, I don't think anyone really has a proper grasp of what's going on. I enjoy being facetious when it comes to superficial formalities and favour humour in most situations. Terrible puns, toilet humour, self deprecating humour and lowering the tone? Definitely. A while back I was pruning apple trees with some others, when one of the women couldn't quite reach and innocently said she needed my extra six inches. How can you NOT react to that? I was recently cooking with someone and they wanted a knob of butter, so I asked them if they wanted a big knob.. Manners don't cost a thing and so long as you treat people well and be there for them when they need it then I think that's what matters.

Predictably my political standing is to the left for the most part, but the left does seem to attract a significant share of the most ludicrous societal nonsense such as 'digital blackface'. I have little time for this kind of bulls**t and have no qualms dropping people a peg or two. Not a fan of religion and new age horses**t like Breatharianism either. Gosh we're on a role, so lets also mention the sort of people that queue up to take selfies on a swing at a beach while travelling to upload on Facebook with the hashtag 'blessed', and 'namaste' etc.

I have my s**t together, I drive, and in a nutshell, I like CULTURE, MISCHIEF, HUGS and FUN.



Age: 42 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 38 / straight

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Age: 41 / straight

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Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 42 / straight

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Age: 38 / straight

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Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 34 / straight

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Age: 38 / straight

United Kingdom

Big matty

Age: 38 / straight

United Kingdom