

33 - Straight

Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Jan 31, 2011 17:27

Well to start, I'm Jade and I'm from a little village in South Wales..not too far from Cardiff. I spend most of my time in my car & with my friends to be honest, but I've recently started a degree so that will have to change. I'm studying Geoscience because I'm a bit of a nerd, but I love learning and I'll be raking in the cash in a few years (hopefully)
I'm just about to start a new job in Care. I'm really looking foreward to it actually, but I have to be trained first which is taking ages.
I absolutely love to travel. I've visited a few countries already, but I'm definately going to be visiting plenty more in the future. Dominican Republic this year, can't wait!!
Anyway, I've rambled on for ages now so if you like what you've read, send a message my way x


Ferocious Kitten

Age: 51 / bi

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom