

54 - Bi

QLD, Australia

Nov 12, 2016 05:14

I'm in my 40's, just came up to Brisbane from Melbourne for a work contract. I like all things askew, but my range of subcultures has extended to goth (predominant), punk in a number of forms, rockabilly (where many old goths go to die), hippie-esque (think goths on summer holidays). Music tastes are non-commercial folk, acoustic, roots, blues, punk, metal in most of its forms, darkwave, industrial, dirty filthy rock'n'roll - anything other than unce really, as long as it's a shining example of musicality and/or wit. I am a chronic overdresser. My everyday personae are usually a reflection of how I feel internally and can be pinup, goth, swampie or sea gypsy. I like makeup. I read out there stuff from historic and modern sources, and am a genuine philosopher and free thinker who enjoys healthy philosophical discussions that do your head in a bit. I am Bachelor educated, a history nerd and enjoy researching for fun (!). I try not to drink because it gobs up my chakras and makes me feel crappy. I don't smoke. I love food as long as it isn't over-processed. I am creative - draw, paint murals with aerosols, sing and write songs. I meditate most days and my vocation as an energy worker means that I don't like hanging around with people who are too negative. So if your idea of a fun weekend is to get maggoted in your own back yard and bitch about the state of the world rather than getting off your arse and doing something to change it, we are not in any way compatible. I like gardening and believe that food, housing and medical care are basic human requirements and should be free for everyone. I am politically aware, leftist, capable of analysing policy, and aware of the channels you need to go through to change it. I like hot rods and motorbikes, and make an excellent pillion. The only sports I have any genuine interest in are martial arts, roller derby, and MotoGP. I want someone intelligent, respectful, open minded, magical, *****, interesting, honest and bulls**t free, funny, active, and hot with a demented sense of the world without being ethically unsound. Your racial, socio-economic and educational status is of no concern to me, as long as you are honest with yourself and the rest of the world, enjoy learning and don't expect anyone or anything else to carry you. If you got this far, message.



Age: 39 / straight



Age: 44 / straight


🎃 Krissy13 🎃

Age: 32 / straight



Age: 21 / bi



Age: 26 / bi



Age: 32 / bi
