

26 - Bi

Quebec, Canada

Aug 1, 2017 11:55

First, I'm pretty open to almost anything and everyone. I have a sassy personality, so you better be prepared. Gore and horror have a huge place in my life and i enjoy listening to horror stories records to fall asleep at night. I want to find people who share the same interests and with whom i can chat freely with no anguish of faking it to fit some kind of social norm. My ideas and visions are pretty eccentric and I'm an extrovert who should learn to properly think before acting.

Quick things to know about me:

- I am deeply fond of everything japanese and kawaii ( that includes animes)
- I'm a big animal lover and own an adorable black cat, he brings me so much joy.
- I love the supernatural and believe in parallel worlds and the existence of ghosts, spirits and demonic forces.
- I tend to write a lot and really like socializing. I'm not specifically looking for a relationship but I guess it can happen with time. So if i message you it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm hitting on you or anything.
- I'm also interested in theology.
- I find myths and legends from around the world incredibly fascinating.
- I speak english and french fluently and have been taking spanish courses for 5 years now. I intend to start classes of japanese (obviously duh) and russian when i enter university. And no I won't be making a career out of it.
- I get bored kinda easily and hate staying indoors. Travelling has always played a big part in my life. The very first time i took a plane was right after I turned 2.
- I'm a vegetarian
- I'm f**king random, gets worse after 11pm.
- People say I'm pretty fun to be around and I always try to make people feel comfortable even tho sometimes I happen to offend them more than I should

If you wanna know more or have any questions you can always hmu. And oh if you know what my username stands for we should definetly have a chat! Until then cya!



Age: 27 / bi



Age: 24 / bi



Age: 21 / bi
