

34 - Straight

South Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Jul 1, 2015 08:41


Wow it's kinda hard to describe. Ok after my ex told me I was a right boring ba$tard I made a vow to be more outgoing and be more original with treating a lady the way they should be treated and make them feel special.

So, names Rhod I have blue eyes, dark medium length Brown hair (often mistaken for black strangely), have only recently just moved back home due to financial complexities (but not to fear I am looking for a place to get my independence back soon).

I enjoy listening to a wide variety of music except any of that Hip Hop stuff(though metal is my favourite genre). I enjoy watching films, most particuarly European cinema, horror films or films that are exciting and/or have witty dialogue (i.e. Quentin Tarrantino's projects).
I do like to go out and have a wild night but I'm more of a social drinker, I do smoke but not very often and I can only smoke cigar's since I hate ciggarettes and I do have the odd spliff and once in a while I do like going to the casino, but I only do those aforementioned things when I get the chance to.
But surprisingly from that list I've mentioned I do not have an addictive personality as hard as it is to believe (even I can't believe it when I review my life lol). I don't have any set goals in life as I just take it as it comes and want to do as many great things as I can that's possible, after all your only given a unique body and personality once. F.Y.I Deity's (God) does not exist, only Power and Emotion

I work at a call centre (make the jokes while you can I think I've heard most of them by now ) looking after people's Vodafone accounts. I've been described as a peculiar but great character by my friends. Uum, it's really hard to say any more about myself so I find it easier if you ask questions and I can explain myself better. I feel I'm a better talkative person when in someone's company so I'm always looking to talk and be with interesting characters and see where we can go from there.

Anyways enough of what feels like my whole life story plus sequel, give me a buzz and I'll be sure to be in touch, I'm always wanting to get to know people and I look forward to getting to know you because it's all about meeting the real people rather than seeing whats on screen.



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South Glamorgan
United Kingdom

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United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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United Kingdom


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South Glamorgan
United Kingdom