

40 - Straight

Herefordshire, United Kingdom

Sep 4, 2010 07:30

Im 5'11 and have an hourglass figure size 12 with long brown hair and bright blue eyes and all my friends say i have a great smile...but im not so sure.

I think i would describe myself as being very quirky, abit out there, love to have a good giggle. Im a very good listener and have a wise head on my young (kinda) shoulders.

I am always be loyal to my family and friends and if im in an relationship i will always cherish that person.

I do wear my heart on my sleeve if im honest and i always speak the truth which i guess people either love it or hate it.....just like marmite....and i love marmite lol!

My hobbies are cooking i love to cook, love having people over for dinner parties and bbqs. GOING TO GIGS IS MY BEST PASSION!!! I lovveeeee without music has no meaning. I listen to emo punk ska rock.

I also enjoy going running and swimming and going to yoga...really to keep fit.

I love going out with my friends for dinner and chilling in beer gardens and just try to enjoy life really.

However i do love to stay in cuddle up on the sofa watching a dvd with someone to snuggle up too.

Love reading...anyhting quirky, gothic and classics.

Im an trained Holistic Therapist, so im trained to do swedish massage, reflexology and aromatherapy. Hopefully i will also train to do indian head massage next month and also sports massage in september.

The reason why im on here i guess is just hereford is such a small place and everyone knows everyone. I would like to meet like minded people who just want to hang out and have abit of fun and just see where it ends up!



Age: 22 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

United Kingdom