

36 - Bi

Nova Scotia, Canada

Aug 15, 2010 15:21

I get a kick out of anything that glitters. Music is fun. I like weird people that say weird s**t. I am currently drinking some green tea. That stuff is good. Have you ever made some instant potatoes and dumped a bunch of ranch into it? That s**ts good too. Jason Statham is my favorite actor. None of his movies suck. I like Mr. Clean with febreeze in it. I have a kitty named Sir Boinkenstein Raphael Michalangelo Donatello Leonardo Dicaprio or you can call the lil f**ker Boink. Don't mess with him; he'll eat your face off. He's going on 3 years old but he's been a kick boxer for 6. If you're nice to him he'll give you presents and such or bake you a cake. You know the frosting with the rainbow bits inside? Those are his specialty. Well that's how we roll. Oh yea, I also like loud noises, bright colors and the smell of dope. Pass the dutchy?



Age: 28 / bi

nova scotia


Age: 48 / straight

nova scotia