

31 - Straight

Middlesex, United Kingdom

Nov 25, 2017 09:47

To keep it brief and simple I'll just list the things I like:
- music, mostly punk
- my family
- my friends
- guitars
- tattoos
- animals.. I love them so much that I'd never touch, eat or buy any animal derived products.
- people with great sense of humor
- music
- food
- travelling
- nice people
... Did I mention music ? Oh yeah.. I love music.

And now the list of things I hate.

- writing bios... Just kidding. I don't actually hate anything... After all the negativity I had to go through in the last couple of years I have decided that I haven't got any more time for negative things.

I'm 22. I don't look 22, I don't act 22.
I'm a vegetarian, I love animals - all of them, no exceptions. Non-smoker.
I play guitar in a band. I love guitars and all that nerdy stuff. I love being on stage. I love seeing people enjoying my songs... I'm a romantic and I can't help it, not as if I have ever tried.
I'm here to meet some new people. Obviously.

Top Bands



Age: 36 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

United Kingdom