

49 - Straight

West Sussex, United Kingdom

Apr 23, 2015 09:28

I would definitely describe myself as an outdoorsy type of guy, whether it be running, cycling, photography,walking, or watching a good lightning storm. It's where I feel most at home.

My main goal is to see a lot more of the world. Most of my travelling has been in North America (including living in the USA for 4 years) and Europe. Canada is my current destination of choice (I have friends outside of Vancouver and the mountain biking and scenery is stunning).

What else? Hmmmm: Going to gigs is definitely one thing I like to do. My music taste is primarily heavy metal/thrash/doom, including Iron Maiden, Alice in Chains, Neurosis, Municipal Waste, Sick of it All, Eyehategod, Primordial and many others.
I also love the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, The Drive By Truckers, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits etc.

I (and possibly others, who knows?) would describe myself as laid back, intelligent, caring, thoughtful, passionate, inquisitive, with a sense of humour that is equal parts silly (Wile E Coyote, Monty Python) and dry.

Other stuff I enjoy? Looking at the stars; going to the cinema; eating out; visiting museums.

I think that's about it. Please feel free to message me if you want to find out more.



Age: 46 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 64 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 39 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 24 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 27 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 54 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 39 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 23 / bi

West Sussex
United Kingdom

Ska Boy

Age: 53 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 37 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom