

41 - Straight

Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

Jan 24, 2020 11:00

Right, this is pretty much one of the hardest parts about something like this. I'll try to keep it brief so as to not seem up myself, but here we go. I'm a fun loving, free spirit. Nothing bothers me unless I let it. I'm very much true to myself, don't try to be anybody i'm not. I like to be unique, I like to stand out. I'm not egotistical or vain in any way (and i'm saying that because I know how this next part may sound), but I like knowing that there's no one else out there like me.

Been massively into my metal since I heard Guns n Roses as a child, they kickstarted my affair with hair/glam metal. It went from GnR, to Motley Crue, to now Steel Panther, who are one of my favourite bands (and even though they're not a genuine 80's band, their stuff sounds so authentically 80's that I can't help but love it) - and i've met them! I can't explain why I have such a love affair with 80's metal, i'm pretty sure it's because I grew up around it, but it's mostly because the songs and the sound and even lyrically - they're just fun. If you're ever down and want a song that'll perk you up, put Poison or Motley Crue or even Steel Panther on if you're not easily offended.

My other favourite band is Metallica, who i've had a love affair with ever since I heard Enter Sandman in 1996 at 15. Never looked back since. Haven't seen them live but it is on my to do list.

Also have quite the obsession with the Batman, and have done ever since I read the comics as a kid. It goes so far that I have 65 Batmobiles in my collection, and just started to collect the Funko Pop models. Other than that, i'm just a huge fan of the superhero genre in general really. I'm not DC exclusive or Marvel exclusive. I love it all. You'll usually catch me at the cinema opening weekend whenever one is ready to be released. I do love my comedies too. My favourite comedies of all time are Dumb and Dumber, Anchorman, and Step Brothers. Jim Carrey's movies aren't that funny these days but if it's Will Ferrell, i'll be there. My all time favourite film though is the Crow. It's a cult classic and a story so beautifully told.

I think that's it, I know I said I was going to keep it brief and I think I rambled a tad in here, lol. Anyway, if what i've said about myself hasn't swayed you enough to send a message, then here's what my best female friend wrote about me!

"Warren is the roughest looking nice person I have ever met. The biker guy look surrounds a very warm and easily harmed little Warren. Treat him right and he's the best friend and i'm guessing best partner you could ever have. Look after him and just be yourself. Also liking Steel Panther helps"

There we go and happy hunting!!



Age: 24 / straight

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Age: 42 / straight

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Age: 52 / straight

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Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 28 / straight

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Age: 42 / straight

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Age: 42 / straight

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Age: 41 / straight

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Age: 42 / straight

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