

30 - Straight

South Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Jun 15, 2016 20:03

I am 5ft6/7 and I may appear quite shy at first but I quickly warm up
Of all things my biggest interest is gaming. I enjoy a good laugh, and love guys who can make me smile (: Lastly I'm pretty chilled in the fact I'm quite happy to just sit in and play games all day with a guy or a friend or both Or even watch an anime as I enjoy them too (b^.^)b Love animation, graphics, psychology, theories, animals, exploring and adventures. I also like and listen to a wide range of music genres.

Been pretty much every hair colour, turquoise, blue, purple, violet, blonde, red, bright orange and pink, but at the moment it's a dark brown because of work le sigh...haha and I would love to get a tattoo at somepoint



Age: 32 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 31 / bi

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

South Glamorgan
United Kingdom