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34 - Straight

Gwent, United Kingdom

Aug 1, 2014 03:43

Adventureeeeee! Love for travel and music.

On the inside I'm a sensitive, caring and spontaneous individual. On the outside I'm about the rock'n'roll as you might have guessed but you'd be mistaken to think one was personally inept of cleanning up pretty well. On some days, I love to just get up in the morning and head out on the road, not knowing where I'm going but positive I can find that perfect place. A sunrise, beach, maybe a small tea room in the middle of no where.. I'm a romantic at heart. I love to get out and about with my camera, one of the things I live for is adventure.

Great passion and a lust for the unknown. Experience is everything. Find and do everything your heart desires even if it doesn't know it yet. I'm an ambitious person, self-motivated though carefree. I feel one must go beyond their comfort zone to expand as a person.

I'm currently in a lot of places. Recently working in retail, it's not where I want to be but money has to come from somewhere. I'm a Luthier on the side (I make Guitars, maybe I'll make you one if you ask nicely enough.) I'm an Entrepreneur on the inside, I look to the future where I will have my own business maybe even more than one. It's all in the pipe lines.

I have a great amount of passion for music in general. I've studied Professional Musicianship. I play the guitar. I enjoy all types of music though my favorites would have to be Rock Fusion and Metal.
I design and make my own electric and semi acoustic guitars. It's a very challenging and precise process. It suits me well because I always find enjoyment in a challenge.

I'm a bit a geek and I love my nights in just as much as getting out in the wild. Whether it's cuddled up on the coach and watching a film with the much needed bowl of popcorn or a long walk in the countryside.

I’m really good at:
Music in general - I play guitar
Eating everything
Teaching - Mainly music theory and guitar
Commandeering large sea vessels and hunting for treasure
Being a Pirate.. clearly

The first things people usually notice about me
My Batman jawline. My friends love to tease me about that one. Other than that probably my kindness and/or patience.

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Where to begin?

Any musical theory book (I'm a bit of a nerd like that); A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin; The Fault in Our Stars
by John Green; The Hunger Games
Book by Suzanne Collins.

As for games: The entire Bioshock series; Dota 2; The Binding of Isaac; TLOZ Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, A Link Between Worlds, A Link to the Past, Skyward Sword; Most of the Final Fantasy series; ChronoTrigger; Pokemon; Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie.. I could list forever.

Movies goes as follows: Pulp Fiction; Pirates of the Caribbean series; A Clockwork Orange; Reservoir Dogs; Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World; Zoolander (who doesn't?); Anchorman; Step-Brothers.

Music is a little something like this: Megadeth; Metallica; Children of Bodom; Steel Panther; Andy Timmons; Steve Vai; Guthrie Govan; Florence and the Machine; Lana Del Ray; The B52s; The Doors; Eva Cassidy; Budgie; Black Sabbath.

TV phone homeeee: The Walking Dead; It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Scrubs; Game of Thrones; Adventure Time.

I'll generally eat anything and enjoy it. I loveeee food, give it to me. Italian has to be one of my favourites though. Nothing can beat a home made carbonara or alfredo.

The six things I could never do without:
My guitars
The great outdoors
One's charm

I spend a lot of time thinking about silly things. How the human mind works and why we do what we do. In one of the billions of galaxies are there people just like us. Where she is. How many awful drivers there are in this world. What if I could fly, where would I go, what would I do. The best super power to have and how to use it. That I wish I could just make things appear in front of me, I mean imagine having all the candy literally at your finger tips.
Mostly about my next step in life and where I'm going to pull this business from.

On a typical Friday night I am having a quiet night out with close friends or sitting inside relaxing, appreciating the finer things in life. Like Skittles!

The most private thing I’m willing to admit sometimes I wish I was a pirate. Okay okay... all the time.

If by some miracle you've read this far or you got bored and scrolled to the bottom; I'm in the midst of getting together a photograph portfolio so even if you just want a friend and some free profile pictures, feel free to ask.



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