

36 - Straight

Calgary/Alberta, Canada

Jun 26, 2014 03:54

Well first off I love games. Video games, table top games, board games, card games, anything really. Not really into Call of Duty like the rest of the planet. (It would seem) I'm more of a fighting game person when it comes to two player games and an RPG fanatic. I'm also a
huge joker, and most of my jokes seem to be taken the wrong way. It doesn't help that I love to cross the line though.... Then run like hell away from it lol. But I also know when I have to take things seriously and calm down.

I love going for walks. Finding new places and going on adventures. Love nature. Forests, fields, beaches. Anything that is new and exciting is right where I want to be. (Have to admit though, it's hard to find in Calgary sometimes) I'm originally from Montreal, moved to Ontario pretty young and lived in the small city of Barrie, which is about 40 mins North of Toronto. Been here for about 9 months. I came for work like everyone else from Ontario because there's nothing left there. And because I wanted a good place to go to college.

Music is a huge part of my life. It's hard to find me without at least one headphone in. I like rock, hard rock and metal. But I'm open to other types of music as well. Except country. I know it's gonna be hard to fid someone out here that doesn't like country but i could just never get into it. Favourite bands right now include: Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, A Day to Remember, Motionless In White, And Hollywood Undead.

Movies are always a great way to pass time. I like horrors, comedies, documentaries, action, and yes romantic comedies. I cant help it. Guess I'm a sucker for a good love story. Sometimes I wish real life was like that.. But gotta live in the times we're in not the times you dream about.

If you treat me right I'll treat you right. Treat others how you'd like to be treated. It's a saying I've always lived by, respect is huge with me and as long as I get it I'll return it.

A secret about me that only a few people know is that I took cosmetology all through out high school and went to school for 2 years for massage therapy. Oh and I've been told I'm a great cuddle buddy lol.

"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it."
^ One of my favourite movie quotes.