

30 - Straight

Jersey, United Kingdom

Nov 26, 2013 16:14

hi, I'm so not good at these 'about me' things so chat me if you want
ps, I'm actually from guernsey, not jersey but this site doesn't recognise it.. kinda like narnia.
• I love bands. YMAS/SWS/AA/OM&M/ADTR/MP etcccc.
in my spare time, I like to watch criminal investigation dramas: CSI, NCIS, criminal minds, hawaii 5'O, law & order, without a trace, bones.. you get the jist.. I'm a geek!
I have to admit, I am a sucker for romantic movies, although I always cry at them so don't know why I torture myself.
I love the big bang theory, so if you like that, we're now best friends..k? k.
I smoke & like to go out drinking with friends.. and I use expletives. so if you're expecting some t-total perfect princess, you've come to the wrong place!
aye so that's about it.. I think. ciao! 😊