

38 - Straight

North Dakota, United States

Oct 19, 2013 03:34

I am a very passionate, outgoing and positive woman who loves the thrill of adventure and reaching lofty goals. I consider myself to be a kind, loving and faithful woman. I am also optimistic, goal oriented and adventurous. I do love to travel and to experience new things and enjoy the company of other positive people.I am young and full of life woman! Everyday when I get up, I say "Thank you" to the God for one more exciting day of my life. I adore summer, winter and sun! I like to swim very much! Also I like all kinds of activities, connected with water! I grew up in a small village and so, I know everything about fishing, hunting and camping . Also I adore hiking! It is really very exciting! Of course it is possible to have fan during the winter! I like skiing and skating. I am a sportive girl. Also I like to walk and especially in some kind of places where it is possible to see a lot of trees. I like parks very much. There are a lot of them in Odessa. I am a very friendly person. I like to spend my time with my friends. I invite them to visit me very often. I adore cooking. It is really my big passion and so I usually invite my friends to have dinner together. I am learning at the University, and in the same time I have a very good job. I like it very much.

If I am lucky to have a spare moment I enjoy reading something. I enjoy visiting new places but I can say that I am a home body as well, as I enjoy cooking something tasty for my family and to create comfort at home. I enjoy a good company of friends with jokes, music, singing and pleasant talks.I like sports. Swimming, yoga and fitness make me happy and healthy. I like music and dancing. I like cooking. I like spending time with friends. I like picnics. I like nature. I adore animals. I adore skiing.

I am looking for a man to share sunny days but also the rainy ones. I think love is one of the most wonderful gifts given. I'd like to give and to get this treasure...I don't have a particular image in my head, but I imagine him kind, sincere and positive. And it's really not matter for me what age difference we will have.I had relationships with men here in the Ukraine. But if to tell you the truth it is hard for me to say that they were successful . I am sure that men in the Ukraine are not loyal and also they are ready to leave you any moment, if they think they can find a better option, if you know what I mean . I do not know much about foreign men, but I am here because I want to find out as much as I can. I have heard only good things about men who live abroad. I hope that everything was true! I am looking for a man, who wants to open his heart to me. Who does not afraid to show his fears to his woman. Who wants to share everything with her. He wants to stay with her in good and bad times. I am searching for a man who has an open heart. Who is ready to meet a new person and to be happy with this person? I want to know that when my man is looking at the stars he wants to say "Thank you" to the God, because he has met me and so happy with me!



Age: 23 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 40 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 22 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 27 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 23 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 26 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States