

36 - Straight

Cheshire, United Kingdom

Jun 10, 2024 20:44

Instagram: stoogie87 ...add me! 😆

What I'm looking for in a person: someone who's easy going and down to earth. Someone who isn't interested in pointless dramas just to fill their day, Jeremy Kyle style; I've no time for it.
...Someone who can challenge me and give as good as they get in conversations. Who will actually be honest and just say what they really feel and think about things, and have some actual logic to it. Rather than the, 'well, everyone else does, so I do it too without question!', type of mentality; I like people with their own minds!
...and finally, someone who can make me smile without needing to say a word would be nice ^_^

Personally I'm more interested in the person, who they are, how they think. Rather than looking for someone identical to me, who has an identical list of likes. I know people generally are looking for the latter, but to me that sounds kind of boring long term. A similar outlook and some mutual interests are good of course, but its nice to be challenged and introduced to new things too.

I don't have a set type I go for looks-wise (people keep asking) though that doesn't mean I'd just go with anyone either I just know what I like when I see it.

Oh and for those people who request lists of likes, here's some lists, enjoy!

Tv likes
The handmaids tale, the goldbergs, brooklyn 99, the moaning of life, In The Flesh, Bob's Burgers, Firefly, Peep Show, Fresh Meat, Cardinal Burns, Drifters, Bad Eduction, Back Chat, Malcolm In The Middle, Mythbusters, QI, The IT Crowd, Father Ted, An Idiot Abroad, The Ricky Gervais Show, How Not To Live Your Life, Black Books, Spaced, Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe, Derren Brown, Ideal, Doctor Who, Angry Boys, Summer Heights High, Jonah, The Inbetweeners, Never mind The Buzzc**ks, The X-Files, Monk, Misfits, Face Jacker/Phone Jacker, South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama, The Simpsons, paranormal witness, Game Of Thrones, Sin City Motors, sunday brunch, gogglebox, vlogglebox....

Game Likes
BioShock, Fallout, Resident Evil, Abe's Odyssey, Rage, Gears Of War, Red Dead Redemption, Dead Island, Killzone, Call Of Duty, Metal Gear Solid, Mirror's Edge, Need For Speed, Burnout, Devil May Cry, Grand Theft Auto, L.A Noire, Fable, Oblvion, skyrim

Movie Likes
World War Z, Cabin In The Woods, Before The Devil Knows You're Dead, House Of A Thousand Corpses, Mystic River, Stake Land, The Jacket, Fido, Zombie Land, Aventureland, Stranger Than Fiction, Fragile, Frailty, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, Splinter, Grave Encounters, Troll Hunter, Dead End, The Orphange, Eden Lake, Planet Terror, Drop Dead Fred, The Crow, Edward Siccorhands, The Host(The korean film), Battle Royale, Death Note, Freddy Got Fingered, Little Miss Sunshine, Home Alone, Terminator 2, Back To The Future, Spirited Away, My Neighbour Totoro, Jaws, Road Trip, Rush Hour, The Truman Show, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, This Is Spinal Tap, Zoolander, Lost Boys, Bugsy Malone, Fight Club, Queen Of The Damned, An American Werewolf In London



Age: 22 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 39 / straight

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Age: 25 / straight

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Age: 34 / straight

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Age: 47 / straight

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Age: 32 / straight

United Kingdom

Cheshire Cat

Age: 34 / straight

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Age: 27 / straight

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Sibrwd cath

Age: 39 / straight

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Age: 35 / straight

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Age: 34 / straight

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Age: 37 / straight

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