

29 - Straight

Swordz, St. Helena

May 14, 2024 04:26

im taking a long break but not before i come back every 3 hrs to let you know im taking a break from being on a long break while i contemplate how long this break will be during the long break i ponder while signing back in from a long break im thinking of taking
only if I can take a long break from not knowing when this break begins or what a long break even is . Its those multiple long breaks throughout the week I have to take in order to explain this long break is needed! A long break is important. so dont even view me while youre signed in . sign off and then come find out if I am on a long break again but not before you see me come back hrs later from a long break . Perhaps I could reply and say cant you see im on a break today ? Duh ! . What cant you read ? I'm on a break mate!
i dont even remember how i wrote this while being on a long break ! its also why i dont leave pics up so you can tell how busy i am trying to dodge myself while im taking indefinite breaks. when im not on a break I love absolutely everything with no real value , morals, or a true senses of reality but I dont take breaks unless i sign in ! . What else is fun about long breaks? if you dont know the answer we can never get along anyway . dont crowd my space during break time . I paint each room in my house a different color then it looks like I take long breaks since i love traveling to new places indefinitely . Its about the break nowdays

make profile delete profile watch profile from behind the curtains u cant see me unless i see you its funny how that works
i like things noone finds funny like you . whats funny is im on a break looking for someone to axknowledge me so i can tell them i dont have time for your sh!t . my sh!t is bedder than your sh!t cause my sh!t is on a break. i tattoo my whole body when i hate myself i post useless memes hopefully convincing someone i have a personality i like fake jewlery that stains my skin and 12 yr old make up kits hopeing someone beleeves i have style . when im on a break i dont have time to beleeve ur fake persona stop it ! when youre not here you are always here !

On indefinite break making believe I have a life so I can obsess over profiles when u can’t see !