

38 - Straight

California, United States

Jun 1, 2024 04:22

I live in Oceanside and work in Fallbrook. I'm an armorer. I repair and maintain military weapons such as pistols, rifles, machine guns, mortars, sniper rifles and grenade launchers. I keep pet rats and snakes. Listen to heavy metal music mostly. Have tattoos. I love movies. I'm a Marine Corps vet. Deployed to Iraq in 2005-2006. Spent time in Afghanistan and Kuwait as a civilian armorer. 420 friendly, though I choose to abstain these days. Hard drink of choice is Kentucky Bourbon. I'm a thinker and thrive in awkward silences. I don't suffer fools gladly. I value loyalty above all else. I like geeky stuff.

These days I've been enjoying a daily coffee to get my day started and to keep the withdrawal headaches at bay. I've been blessed by the gods with a job that allows me to enjoy 3 day weekends every week, in exchange for working 10 hour work days Monday to Thursday. I've been trying to keep any excess time with a screen in front of my face at bay. Mindlessly scrolling through internet videos is way to easy for me to lose myself in. I try my best at least on the weekdays to read books and manga, they allow me to go to sleep at a civilized hour. If I do have the desire to watch a movie, show, or play a game at home, I try to keep that to the weekends. I usually go to sleep early on the weekdays since I have to be at work at 5:00am. On my days off I like to treat myself to coffee at Starbucks, because why not? It gets me out of the house doing something. Medium roast, sugar, and half & half. I like to go to the closest Barnes and Noble right when they open. Less people at that time, and I like to take my time to browse the manga section first for anything to add to my collection. Which is around 380+ volume. I needed a non-digital hobby. I started collecting October 2022. Sometimes I'll get a real book to read, but I sometimes get board while I'm reading and my mind wanders. As far as book genres are concerned, I favor fantasy, science fiction, self-help/ eastern style philosophical type stuff. I'm all over the place with manga genres. I like anime, but I've been cutting back, because of trying to reduce screen time. When I've had my fill of Barnes and Noble I will then go to the mall to browse around. I used to be into a minimalist type mindset with my earthly possessions, because clutter sucks. But lately I've been trying something different, surrounding myself with things that bring joy and happiness. That's where the mall comes in. I'll go to the same stores usually in the same order. Hot Topic. Sometimes they have things that catch the eye. I do miss the old days of Hot Topic before they sold-out and just became a pop-culture distributor. Funko Pop does not belong in a Hot Topic. F.Y.E. is a fun place for random things like magnets, toy bat mobiles, wall art, over priced cheaply made fleece blankets, stuffed animals, fidget toys and figurines. There is a huge comic book store in the mall that has a manga section, just not as good as Barnes and Noble. I check them out usually every other visit. I have been getting some figurines from there too though. Spencer's is the final stop at the mall for random cool stuff. I've got about 12 shotglasses from there to display just because I think they look cool. Their other drink wear is nice. Like Rick and Morty pint glasses. Plastic water bottles with ***** girls on them. If it puts a smile on my face I gets it.

Why do I like anime?
Early exposure to it as a kid. Cartoon Network Toonami after school with DragonBall Z, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star. I remember years before that watching Sailor Moon on TV early in the morning before going to school. These days, I chose to cancel my Neflix subscription because of how peoples political and social opinions have infiltrated newly released movies and shows. That does not happen in anime, so I maintain my subscription to Crunchy Roll instead.

Why do I collect manga?
I needed a hobby that did not include staring at a bright screen. Late in my life I realized often times the manga will come before an anime, and the story will have progressed further and released faster in manga.

Why do I prefer metal music?
Early exposer to it as a kid. Rob Zombie Hellbilly Deluxe is what started it for me. I don't necessarily care what the artist/band is saying, but how they say it. I don't care about the message. I care if it sounds good. I like the aggressiveness. My longest all time favorite has been Slipknot. Though they have had better days. I guess I could say Slipknot is my Metallica. I don't care for Metallica. The radio over played them too much for me to care. These days, I have been favoring Slaughter to Prevail. Those demonic vocals are a gift from the gods of metal.

What am I doing here on this site?
I need a woman in my life. Long-term of course. Someone who enjoys lots of cuddles and lots of spankings. You know, a girl that would look good in a collar and leash.


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