

41 - Straight

tbilisi, Georgia

Apr 8, 2020 15:14

i am an easy going lady, strong at heart, meek in cheerfulness, love cooking, making the home, tidying my little garden, jovial and dedicated to my work. i love swimming, relaxing by the pool in my leisure time, watch movies at the cinema, do my shoppings when the need arises. i love to travel, during my vaccations, because travel is another form of education, which makes me to know and learn more about other cultures, and traditions. for making a friend thats a moment but bee a special intimate friend takes a life time. friendship is the world largest and unsinkable ship, that floates around the world on waters, with pure love that unites all tribes, races, cultures, religions, and genders in one accord in unity, because united we all stand tall together in the same understandings and desires, to a free and fare activities, thats why i am here to unit with like minds like me with the same passion.