

32 - Straight

Fife, United Kingdom

Feb 21, 2020 02:27

Uhm... About me...

I am never any good with these kind of things!

I'm 28.
I'm naturally blonde.
I'm an introvert.
I'm a night owl.
I live with OCD (not the germophobic kind).
I'm a mum of two.
I have two cats (Lestat and Tilly), and two Giant African Land Snails.
Field of work is Care (adults with disabilities). Most rewarding job ever!

I'd definitely describe myself as low maintenance, and easy to please.

I love an array of music (alternative, rock, 60s, 70s, 80s) My favourites are definitely Fleetwood Mac and T.Rex. I'm absolutely in love with Marc Bolan!

My favourite things to watch are horrors, and anything to do with serial killers.

I'm really, really not into guys with muscles! That is a HUGE turn off, for me. So, if you are a regular gym goer, I'm really not interested!

If you want to know anything else, then just ask!



Age: 23 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 49 / straight

United Kingdom