

33 - Straight

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Jan 3, 2017 21:48

Hi all,

Graduated as Art Director at the Academy of Arts (specialization Advertising), as well as Graphic Designer; So a creative brain. For many years, fan of metal, various genres but not too speedy (in the band list is a small selection of what I like). Playing guitar since childhood, thereafter also bass, and now started playing drums. Truely awesome!

I would like to meet awesome people and bandmembers (from Holland). Just contact me

Afgestudeerd als Art Director aan de kunstacademie (afstudeerrichting Advertising/reclame), en ook als Grafisch Vormgever; een creatief brein. Al vele jaren fan van metal, diverse genres maar niet te speedy (in de bandlijst staat een kleine selectie). Van jongs af aan speel ik gitaar, paar jaar daarna ook basgitaar erbij en nu gestart met drummen. Erg vet!

Ik wil graag vrienden worden met toffe metalheads, en wellicht ook bandleden. Stuur mij even een berichtje

• Midwinter Fair (NL)
• Graspop (BE)
• Into the Grave (NL)
• Wacken (DE) (maybe)
• Even more? Nog meer?
Who goes there? // Ga je ook heen/mee?


Movies I like, without making an extremly long list of all movie I've already seen:
– Vintage (Mediaeval, Victorian, Pirates, Old England, etc)
– Horror (Saw, Hostel, Wrong Turn, Elm Street, Chucky, Sweeny Todd, etc; vampires, zombies, etc)
– Funny (Monty Python, Little Britain, (horror)Parodies/Spoof)
– Animation: Anime (like DeathNote or Bleach, gore and mayhem)
– Animation: 2D (Astrix and Obelix, TinTin, (so: 90s stuff). And like Disney, Marvel, Pixar, etc)
– Animation: 3D (Astrix and Obelix (2016), TinTin (2011), ParaNorman, Boxtrolls, Coraline, Paddington, etc)
– Stop Motion: Puppets (Fantastic Mr. Fox, Beetlejuice, (old) King Kong, The Neverending Story, etc)
– Stop Motion: Clay (The Nightmare Before Christmas, Mary & Max, Wallace & Gromit, The Pirates (band of misfits), Frankenweenie, etc)

Movies directed by Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, Stephen King, Alfred Hitchc-o-ck (you can't write "c**k" hahaha),
and the (maybe) lesser known: Wes Craven (Elm Street, The Hills Have Eyes), John Carpenter (Halloween), James Wan (Saw).

Movies with Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson, Robin Williams, Bruce Willis, and/or Will Smith, Alan Rickman (aka Prof. Severus Snape / Professor Sneep(dutch) ), Rowan Atkinson (aka Mister Bean, but also Blackadder, and The Thin Blue Line).

Currently watching some (new) series, maybe you like them too:
With real people:
– Penny Dreadful (witchcraft)
– Salem (witchcraft)
– Sleepy Hollow (haunted by the past / demons / creatures / witchcraft)
– Ravenswood (haunted village/graveyard/by the past)
– DaVinci's Demons (title says it pretty clearly)
– Mrs. Brown's Boys (British-Irish sitcom)
– Yonderland (somewhat older serie; think "Muppet"+"crazy" and you got a show)
** All nicely filmed, beautiful clothing/styling, good actors/casting, nice script/storyline.

Animated series:
– AxeCop
– MoonBeam City
– F is for Family
– Bordertown
– Mr. Pickles
– TripTank
– Golan, the Insatiable
Family Guy, American Dad, Simpsons, SouthPark, Brickleberry, Futurama, Rick and Morty,
and more...

Informing series/movies:
– Nature films (flora and fauna)
– Space discovery
– Archaeological discoveries
– New Kids / New Kids Turbo (l.m.a.o.)
– Technology (robotics, programming, nerdy stuff, design stuff)
– How-to- stuff (self explanatory)

It has become quite a long profile.

I hope you have an idea of who I am. Like it? Contact me, let's chat



Age: 25 / straight



Age: 20 / bi



Age: 34 / straight
