

30 - Straight

Vermont, United States

Oct 19, 2023 04:06


I had this really long bio,... and I really liked it,... but it was old, and just not right anymore.... Truth is, I cared,... a lot,... maybe too much,... and maybe I tried too hard,... but for awhile now, I'm just sick of people, I'm sick of society,... I'm tired of all of it, people who judge, and only care about themselves, and somehow no matter how much I give, and sacrifice, I'm the one who's never good enough, never worth holding onto, or even remembering.... So yea,... I'm broken,... I'm screwed up,... I have issues,... but I gave people my best,... I did my best, and I just got used, abused, taken advantage of, and abandoned like I'm nothing but trash.... All I really want to say now, is just go to hell, drop dead, I hope you f*ck*ng burn alive.......

I seriously doubt there's even anyone decent out there, and honestly, be real, at least with yourself, you know if you're really a good person, and if you're genuinely different. You should know if I'll want nothing to do with you,... but if you're someone like me, who's just been traeted like sh*t by society,... if people have made you feel like you're worthless, hopeless, like you're just nothing, then listen to me. YOU DESERVE BETTER! Society doesn't dictate your worth, and if you can't find a place where you feel you matter, it's not your fault. If you have a good heart, and you hurt, you're like a dimand among the trash, and you don't belong, because you deserve better than what this world offers. Yea, it sucks, but don't let others make you think less of yourself. Don't be afraid to hold your head up, and look for someone else like you. You're not alone.

If I know anything,... I know what it's like to feel it's a waste of time to even try, or like all trying does is just being a bother,... I get it,... and I hate to think anyone feels that way talking to me....

Fair warning, I know I'm not perfect, and I make mistakes, I'll never claim to be better, and if I can't make you happy, as a friend or anything, I do sincerely hope you find someone better for you. Honestly, I really don't ever want to hurt someone, or be a reason they feel bad about themselves,... (except those heartless b*st*rds who should be ashamed),... so I keep that in mind, even if I'm not saying anything....

One more thing,... I'm not sure how much I'm going to be on here,... it's been over 2 years, maybe almost 3,... and so many people on here are selfish, shallow, just not good people, or they just pretend and act like they care, and I'm tired of their games, I'm tired of giving the chances they didn't deserve,... I'm tired of being here....



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