

34 - Straight

Gwynedd, Wales

Mar 14, 2021 01:32

I'm into Tattoos (Only have 3/4 at the moment but want to get more!), comics, films (Sadly I don't get to see many of the ones that come out in cinema these days though, I mainly enjoy animated or comedy films), games (Same as films, don't get to play many of the newer ones that are out these days sadly), goth fashion (I don't usually wear Gothic clothing I just like how it looks and wouldn't mind trying my hand at making some), Music (This one is difficult to explain. I tend to like one or two songs from a band and not be into their other stuff. I can't really pick a single genre either because, again, sometimes I'll like something that's not usually my norm. Favourite genres are definitely Metal, Rock and sometimes Folk).

I now work at the National Slate Museum in Llanberis as their blacksmith.

And don't be surprised if I show up on your recent visitors feed and I don't message you. Don't know why, but I enjoy just going through profiles and reading what people say about themselves.

Really should get a more up to date photo on here, my hair's way shorter now.